Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the bish with a decked out Ozi 4x4 canopy, yea
In Qld, Australia born and raised
On the construction site is where I spend most of my days
Cleanin out, labourin’, sweatin’, with tools
covered in cuts n bruises, picking up after fools
When a couple of dude who were up to some good
Started a clearance sale in my neighborhood
I got one little glimpse and my bank got scared
it said, "You're buying that canopy instead of dyin’ yo hair”
I stalked my emails for nearly a day
Then bailed on work early to get my hammertone canopy
Rolled on up with closing in 25 minutes hey
The young bloke loaded my BT with ma Canopè
In all seriousness.. the young fella had 1 arm in a sling, loaded her like a boss then grabbed uber thick cardboard so the ratchet straps wouldn't scratch my new toy. Can you say "goodbye savings"?... Cause she will be back 😂👌