As it has reported in Drive earlier, the split across new vehicle sales in 2021 was mentioned as 50.6% in the SUV category,  24.1% in the UTEs and vans category and 21.2% in the passenger car category. Even after the chronic stock shortage, a record number of UTE was sold in Australia the previous year.

There were around 7 SUVs that shattered the previous Australian market record with the new-car sales charts in 2021. You can see a growing demand for pick-ups and vans, which are currently overtaking passenger vehicles with a great sweep. 

There are around 4 UTEs, which have made the top 10 list and three of them are within the all-time high sales figure. You have the  Toyota Hilux as the top-selling vehicle in the nation with 6th place in the row. Then you have the Ford  Ranger, which ranked in the second position for 5 consecutive years!

All these facts clearly prove the growing demand for UTE vehicles even to this date. So, chances are high that people are more into ute canopy accessories these days. These accessories are designed to help enhance the working ability and stylish features of the cars now!

Understand the value of canopies

You might have heard about ute canopy accessories and also trying to purchase some. But before any of that, getting a clear idea of what canopy actually stands for and how it helps a UTE vehicle is really very important. 

  • Utes are an excellent example while looking for an all-in-one vehicle. Here, you will get the comfort of a luxurious AC car with top-notch interiors, along with separate space behind the cabin to store leisure gear, work items and pets.
  • One major drawback is the UTE tray. Even though it is proven o be great for storing items, but will remain open to elements. So, you can’t park your car anywhere because of the fear that someone might steal your possession.
  • That’s when the power of canopy and matching ute canopy accessories comes into action. It is a structure that comes in handy with walls, roof, door and windows to cover your UTE tray.
  • You can attach the canopy with that to the tray wall or just sit on the tray floor. In some instances, these canopies can completely replace the tray because there are so many ute canopy accessories to cover the tasks that the tray would have performed.
  • Canopies are constructed using multiple materials like fibreglass, aluminium or polymers. They are moulded specifically for matching the particular UTE model. If you want, you can customise the canopies as well, to match your needs even more.

The value that canopies have along with accessories

If you think about it, the market houses loads of canopies to get into. What you can expect from these canopies and ute canopy accessories will be a secured space where you can store all your items safe from the elements and away from opportunists with those sticky fingers.

There is, however, one downside with the canopies and that is you cannot just throw things onto the tray and move on with your vehicle on the road. As road regulations nowadays mean that loads need to be covered, the canopy will be one better option over securing the cover every time you are planning to add or just remove any item.

Get on with the types

It is also recommended to focus on the types before you get to finalise the ute canopy accessories. The accessory version will differ based on the types too. So, let’s focus on those points now.

Fibreglass canopies

It is considered to be the most popular choice and can be easily attached to the flat tray or the well. These options have sliding or lift-up windows on both sides and a door, located near the rear end. 

  • Fibreglass will not support much weight so the roof racks might need that extra support while installing to carry roof cargo.
  • However, these fibreglass options are noted to fade and will turn out to be brittle with passing time.

Now for the canvas canopies

These canvas canopies will come in handy with a steel frame with a canvas cover on top. These options will have zips on the side and also a rear for access. 

  • These canopies will have customised ute canopy accessories by their sides and come with alloy hardtop or canvas all the way around.
  • This style is a lot cheaper and with a more flexible alternative. But, it is not secured overly and can get damaged easily. 
  • People are not focusing on the canvas canopies much because they get damaged easily and will deteriorate over time.

Aluminium and steel canopies

If you are making plans to install shelves and carry the weight above, then the steel and aluminium canopies might prove to be your attractive choice to consider. 

  • These materials are perfect for working UTEs.
  • In some instances, you can remove the tray completely and install a fully knitted canopy instead.
  • You can furthermore customise the canopies to match individual needs.
  • You can fit in some other types directly onto the tray and will have lockable sides or rear doors or shelves, whichever one you want.
  • Weight will become a factor with these canopies because these products are pretty heavier as loads. With a higher load comes higher fuel consumption. So, you need to keep this point in mind while opting for steel or aluminium canopies.
  • The added ute canopy accessories with these canopies will be made using the same materials, which will increase the load capacity on the UTE. But make sure that the load is not too much!

Some of the canopies will have felt lining, lighting and central locking systems. Most of these canopies from reputed manufacturing units will come with a minimum of 2 years of warranty service, if not more. The price will solely depend on the canopy type you have selected. 

Now get on with the accessories

Once you are sure of the types of canopies available and which one to choose, it is mandatory to focus on the ute canopy accessories that you can add. Always remember that with these accessories, you might have to pay extra bucks but it is worth the investment from your side. If you are on the mission to customise your canopy as per your needs, then focusing on these accessories is a must.

  • Starting off with the 4WD canopy power boards

These canopy power boards are purposefully designed to add more power to the adventure. This board is mainly a plug-and-play model and will come in handy with all of the outlets, ports and functionalities that you might need. It is well completed with the solar panel port. Then you have an easy installation design and some specially designed casing. The main goal is to ensure that the cables are stored efficiently. These boards are the perfect addition to your 4 x 4.

  • The canopy roof tent

Under the accessory section, you can try your hands on the canopy rooftop tent. It helps to create a perfect home, which is away from home. This is a super light in weight tent that won’t compromise on the water resistance and strength features. So, that makes these tents perfect for canopies and SUVs. 

Furthermore, these tents are proven to be quite easy to mount onto the roof rack and will be pretty simple to set up and then just pack away in just mere seconds. 

  • Adjustable versions of canopy ladders

In case you are aiming for that affordable and easy solution to access the roof of your canopy, then the adjustable ladder forms one of the great ute canopy accessories to venture into right now. As you can understand from the name of the product, these ladders will help you to move in freely inside the canopy tent and get the items out from bigger heights. You don’t have to rely on a second person when you have this ladder by your side!

Who is likely to install the canopies

You have some independent specialist retailers whose main goal is to supply and install canopies. Looking for the best name is always a major point to consider because you are likely to spend a lot of money on the items. In case you are looking for a customised canopy, make sure to check in with the professionals and get the services covered now. Provide them with all the information and the experts will serve you with the best canopy and matching accessories for your UTE vehicles.

Look for the best name

It is indeed necessary to search for the best manufacturing units working on not just canopies but matching accessories. While looking for one such name, Ozi4*4 seems to be the first and foremost name to consider all across Australia. Get premium quality canopy accessories without investing a lot of money on the same.